Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. – Alpha and Omega
When the Christ Mind that was in Jesus spoke the words, “I am the Alpha and Omega—the Beginning and the End” (Rev. 1: 8), a profound mystical truth was being proclaimed, affirming what mystics of the past, present, and future have voiced. The words state that the past (that is, the beginning) and the future (that is, the ending) are as One, and that time, or the appearance of it, is a cosmic blur—an illusion of Absolute Reality. This is to say that there is no real time lapse between beginning and ending—only the illusion of it. The illusion of time exists to help in the construction of a cosmic duality, where the suggestion of opposites creates the illusion that the One Life of the Universe, or God, is now many lives and many lifetimes—all seemingly flowing in time.
Aware of the illusion of time and seeing the Reality of Absolute Universal Selfhood, the Christ Mind that was in Jesus made known to those with spiritual ears to hear that He existed in a state of Universal Awareness—of Christ Consciousness existing Eternally as Alpha and Omega; Beingness without a beginning or ending; an endless circle without a starting or ending point; an Eternity that simply IS. Because there is existence, it can be thought of as One Eternal Moment of Time—a cosmic timepiece showing only one moment of time.
Why is all this so important?
Apart from the theological and philosophical implications, the Alpha and Omega Reality is not confined to the Christ Presence in Jesus; most importantly, it exists for every human being. Christ Consciousness—the Christ Mind—was indeed in Jesus, and it also exists dormant in the unconscious of all men and women. It is that state of consciousness where human manifestation is awake to Universal God Consciousness, Eternity, and Absolute Selfhood—where beginning and ending, Alpha and Omega, are as one. In this state of Awareness there are no seeming dualities: conflict is dissolved in the Clear Light of One State of Beingness where all is One, and where Absolute Oneness is not thought about, but experienced as Absolute Love.
As people live more God-Centered lives, they increasingly awaken to the Alpha and Omega within themselves. With increased awakening and as adjustments to a Greater Reality of life ensue, they become more aware of the illusions of personal ego identity. With those who are old souls or who were awake in previous lives, the True Reality can be experienced to either some degree or completely in their present physical lifetimes. To younger souls, the awakening may be gradual over many lifetimes. Always keep in mind, however, that Christ-Mind Consciousness already exists in all men and women, so when this or other lifetimes is spoken of, it is merely a point of illusionary reference.
When Paul in the Bible encouraged, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2: 5), he was in effect encouraging an Alpha and Omega state of consciousness for all humankind to seek. He did not view Alpha and Omega Awareness as the sole possession of Jesus. The embodiment of the Christ Mind—Alpha and Omega—was a demonstration of what is in everyone, and what everyone can awaken to. Indeed, Jesus was the way-shower to an ever-emerging Reality existing in everyone.
It could then be said that everyone is the Alpha and Omega in innermost Reality. In the vast majority of souls, it is but a dim light hidden behind the illusion of personal ego identity. Flickers of the Light occasionally enter the conscious awareness of some. During such brief periods of inspiration, creativity, or expression, it is as a flower blossoming into full bloom. It beckons to awakening souls that there is a far Greater Reality to life, and, above all, that they are each an integral part of this Greater Reality.
The Christ mind that was in Jesus described the Eternity of beingness as Alpha and Omega. Such awakened awareness was also possessed by Buddha, Krishna, and others. Yet, to speculate as to which others possessed it is to repress this knowledge in oneself, by being more absorbed in the dualistic appearances of those individual lives and straying from where one’s focus should steadily remain: that everyone, including you in your innermost essence, is the Alpha and Omega.
God has already blessed you with what you already are—and are already awakening to.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” Pgs. 29–31.
Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev