My life has been an open book and will continue to be so, since my childhood to this day. I know deep down in my being that I was born to be a minister.
After my undergraduate degree from Jubliee Bible College and Seminary in Aba Nigeria , (2000-2004) where I earned my Bachelor of Science in Theology, I was ordained as a minister and pastor of the Pentecostal church which left a mountain of doubts, and many questions about God still unanswered. This prompted me to widen my areas of studies beyond the Christian church boundaries.
The best moment came when I became ordained as a minister with I.M.M (International Metaphysical Ministry) and earned my doctorate degree through the University of Sedona. This gave me the legal right to practice my religion (Mystically and Metaphysically) without fear. Thank you I.M.M for everything.
Living a life as a metaphysical minister did come easily as I have endured serious persecution and discrimination in countries like Nigeria and the Philippines, where some people regard our religion or belief system as weird and spooky. In the Philippines people have done all sorts of harmful things against me, but it didn’t stop me from knocking on 15-20 doors everyday to share my beloved religion or belief system to those who are willing to listen.
Living as a metaphysical minister has strengthened every aspect of my life. No amount of religious related persecution or discrimination can shake me off from my faith. My whole being is strengthened by earth, vitalized by air, purified by water and regenerated by fire. Thank you I.M.M, AMORC, T.M.O, and Tao as these groups have shaped me from good man to a better man, from a Believer to a Knower.
Today I know there is a but one living, true and infinite God, creating and sustaining all things visible and invisible, whose essence is diffused throughout the universe, and whose mind and consciousness constitute the soul of man.
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