Known as “The SoulMystic – Creating Everyday Magic,” Rev. Amirah Hall, M.Msc., has been exploring science and spirituality for over 40 years. She developed and teaches Life Mastery courses that enhance self-healing using quantum tools, psychic development, and mindful manifesting. A student of metaphysical and ancient mystery teachings, Amirah’s spiritual insights were further amplified with a near-death experience while traveling in Egypt when her gifts of psychic vision, channeling, and mediumship were activated. Amirah has a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Metaphysical Science and is a Ph.D. candidate in Metaphysical Parapsychology from the University of Metaphysics. She is a featured guest speaker in spiritual, paranormal, and NDE podcasts and documentaries.
Rev. Amirah is on a mission to guide and support persons who desire to live more authentically and those awakening to their spiritual calling. She offers to mentor those who desire to know their true self, quickly releasing barriers and fears to living with purpose. She’s worked with thousands of global leaders, mindful professionals, and entrepreneurs who want to do the same for themselves.
Amirah is the author of numerous books and programs that allow others to discover new ways, alchemical secrets, and metaphysical strategies to push their boundaries and dare to go deep in every aspect. The quantum tools and methods she teaches were greatly influenced by her NDE and enhanced with over decades of professional practice. As a result, people are able to experience amazing rapid shifts in their lives, relationships, and their work.
Some of her works include:
Master & Unblock Energy: Unlock Intuition & Abundance
Virtual Group Reading Events
Personal 1-to-1 Mentoring
Life Mastery Chakra Healing Training
Intuitive Clairvoyant Development & Mastery
Rev. Amirah also hosts sacred tours to Egypt and detox retreats.
Follow her on Facebook @AmirahHallSoulMystic, Instagram @AmirahHall, LinkedIn @AmirahHallConsulting, Twitter @AmirahHall, Youtube @AmirahHall
For guidance on releasing energy blocks, manifesting abundance, or accessing psychic/spiritual abilities, access FREE guided meditation: Stress Buster.
For more information, please contact Amirah at: