Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“How to Receive God’s Guidance”
You can receive God’s direct guidance in your life. While this thought may seem exaggerated to many, it is not. When the Psalmist said, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made,” one point being referred to was the inborn ability within the created to receive direct guidance from the Creator.
Some may question how this is possible because there are close to seven billion souls on the planet Earth, not to mention all the souls on other planets and in other dimensions in the Universe. A person may wonder how one Creator can access countless numbers of souls simultaneously. Consider this. If computer technology has advanced as far as it has in just a few short decades of human history, how much more can the creative intelligence or universal mind have progressed, having had eternity to work with?
If there are countless technological techniques in which human beings can communicate with central sources of information such as the internet, it stands to reason that an eternal creator could have long since created human and other species with which it could communicate.
At the time of this writing, it was often stated in the news that scientists were working toward the day when computer chips would be placed within the human body. If now, after a few short years, scientists are already at the point of synthesizing this computer technology with the human body, it is thus reasonable that the Creative Intelligence of the Universe, or God, would have created such an inborn communication with all souls or all of its creations.
So, when you consider your own life, never think that you are lost to God’s attention amongst the stars, galaxies, and other dimensions. Realize that you are just as in touch within yourself and in the inner reaches of your mind as anyone is or ever has been.
Through what I term divine technology, there is a built-in sending and receiving station within you and the energy frequencies of your body and mind, between yourself and your Creator, or God. Although this divine technology is quite complex, the practical usage of it is not. God created it in you and all others, and has kept it simple in how it operates, so that all people, if they open themselves to it, can receive guidance from God.
Seek to find God within yourself and be assured that God will find you. The method that brings you into direct contact with the divine technology that God placed in you is through meditation. Every time you meditate, you open yourself to receiving God’s guidance directly through an inwardly created energy frequency between yourself and the universal mind or God. In fact, every thought you think is received and recorded in the mind of God.
As an example, in recent times, it was revealed that current technology is recording everyone’s transactions on the internet. High numbers of transactions by huge numbers of people, all is being recorded. Thus, as stated earlier, if today’s technology could come such a long way in such a short time, how much more so has universal mind or God perfected a divine technology to receive, record, and in turn, give guidance to each of its creations, to you.
More than anything you can do to open yourself up to receiving God’s guidance from within is the practice of meditation. In fact, all other suggestions function to the degree that you take the time daily to meditate.
In the Bible it states, “In the beginning there was God, and God said ‘Let there be light,’ and from light all things came forth.” Light is the first begotten of creation of God or un-manifest Spirit. The light of creation lives within all created things. The human body, mind, and soul came forth from God’s light. God’s light, or the first begotten, or Christ Consciousness brings forth everything, including the divine technology inborn into the human body, mind, and soul.
The closer you feel and are in consciousness to God, the more you are able to receive God’s guidance. The deeper experiences of consciousness in meditation teach you of your inseparable oneness with God’s Spirit of universal consciousness. As you engage in your daily activities, be aware that you have a oneness with God. Be aware that the consciousness in your mind is a physical manifestation of the consciousness of Spirit, universal mind, or the mind of God. The consciousness within you is a portion of God’s mind, a connecting mind link between yourself and God through which you can receive Guidance.
God is not on a clock. God is eternity. God chooses the time that guidance is given to you. All guidance is instantaneous, and it is up to God as to when the guidance that was immediately given to you will be revealed to you at the conscious human level of your mind. What you should do, therefore, is to keep a constant mental vigil, because guidance may enter your conscious mind at any moment of any day, no matter where you are or what you may be doing.
Maintain an awareness of every thought passing through your mind at all times, as any thought could be the guidance from God that you are seeking. If it truly is guidance from God, intuitively, your mind will know it. It will be something you will recognize as originating in God.
Although meditation opens the inner doors of the mind to guidance, most guidance does not happen during meditation. The guidance is instantly given and then placed at a level of the unconscious mind where it will stay until the conscious mind is ready and prepared to at least listen to it or to receive it and act upon it. This is why you should take a few moments each day to enter into a quiet, reflective state of mind.
Such a state of mind places your personal ego aside so that God’s guidance may enter the conscious level of your mind. Don’t attempt to force anything to happen, or your personal ego will be in the way. Just be passive and allow thoughts to appear easily in your mind. Some of these thoughts can be God’s guidance.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text for “How to Receive God’s Guidance” taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ “The Theocentric Way of Life,” Volume 3: Module 24.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev