The University System’s Mission, Vision, and Purpose, as conceptualized by Dr. Masters in the early 1990’s, also includes the exploration of possibilities that warrant legitimacy to the diverse range of metaphysical practices, spiritual healing, and health maintenance that is considered to be complimentary to the practice of traditional allopathic medicine. In addition, Dr. Masters placed great emphasis upon meditation and other contemplative practices that lead to the investigation of higher consciousness for the purpose of authenticating the existence of a Supreme, Creative Intelligence or God, and the continuation of life beyond the physical.
The University of Metaphysics is the world’s largest metaphysical degree-awarding school, with students and graduates in over 120 countries. Operating for over five decades as the most prominent and respected metaphysical degree-awarding university system, our curriculum is based on the decades of consciousness research that Dr. Masters conducted with thousands of student research participants. This research revealed to him the same original higher consciousness truths upon which many of the world’s great religious traditions were founded. He brought those truths and the practical effects those years of research revealed to him into his curriculum.
Your spiritual journey is important to us, and you will find that the guidance of our caring and exceptional administrative staff will assist you in making your journey with us a wonderful experience, both during your studies and after, as one of our graduates. This catalog will provide you with a comprehensive overview of our programs, career potential, and opportunities for continuing education. We are here to serve the best in you so you may serve the best in others.
I am the presence of Universal Mind and Spirit, having individualized into human form. I express the wisdom, power, creativity, peace, love, and harmony of my universal origin as I go through this human life, for this realization of my true God-selfhood. I give thanks that it is so, AND SO IT IS!
—Dr. Paul Leon Masters, Founder
- To create a diversity of new approaches to ministry so that Higher Spirituality may reach the public through various means not confined to traditional church congregations.
- To provide education up to a doctoral degree in advanced Holistic, New Thought, Transpersonal, and Metaphysical forms of Spirituality so that those affiliated professionally with the IMM and its University Division are well prepared to teach, counsel, coach, practice spiritual healing or whatever their chosen ministerial communication.
- To conduct research into the nature and source of consciousness to discover the spiritual mysteries of life and how such knowledge may be practically applied to the improving of human life, both individually and collectively.
- To explore the possibilities of the legitimacy of various forms and practices of spiritual healing and health maintenance that can be complementary to the practice of traditional, allopathic medicine.
- To focus on meditation and other contemplative practices that can lead to the exploration of consciousness for the purpose of proving the existence of a Supreme Creative Intelligence or God and/or the continuation of life beyond the physical.
- To encourage a movement toward the synthesis of science, psychology, transcendentalism, and mysticism so that eventually Absolute Spiritual Truth and Absolute Scientific and Psychological Truth complement and explain each other as one Reality.
Dr. Masters placed great emphasis upon meditation and other contemplative practices that lead to the investigation of higher consciousness for the purpose of authenticating the existence of a Supreme, Creative Intelligence or God, and the continuation of life beyond the physical.
- Belief in a Supreme Universal Intelligence or God.
- Belief that there is a divine purpose to life as created by God.
- Belief that human beings are happiest and most fulfilled when they have found the purpose for their souls’ existence according to the Will of God.
- Belief that human suffering is as a direct result of failing to find and do the Will of God for one’s life.
- Belief that every person, whether they are conscious of it or not, is an individualized expression of God’s Universal Presence.
- Belief that the Christ manifested through Jesus is a model of God individualized in human form or, in the Biblical phrase, “The Spirit made Flesh.”
- Belief that all religions have a purpose and were allowed to be created by God to bring some degree of spirituality or belief in God to peoples of all cultures, races, and origins. IMM encourages individuals to make and attempt to live peacefully with peoples of varying religious traditions, preferring to engage in dialogue rather than senseless warring.
- Belief that those who follow either the exoteric or esoteric teachings of Christ will live eternally.
- Belief that there is an afterlife existence and that there are many levels or realms of that existence from the ungodly to the heavenly.
- Belief that God’s Mind, Spirit, and Presence lives as the life force/natural intelligence within the body and consciousness of every human being.
- Belief that human beings can gain direct access to God’s Presence within themselves through Christ consciousness; access gained through Transcendent or Mystical Meditation.
- Belief that access to God’s Inner Presence awakens the intuitive channels of the mind to influence one’s conscious mind. Such influence provides direct divine guidance from God which can be applied to improving major human concerns of life: love, relationships, income, health, personal fulfillment, lasting happiness, creativity and – above all – one’s God Willed purpose for having been born to this life.
- Belief in the above basic principles to the degree that International Metaphysical Ministries and its ordained ministry exist to bring our basic concepts to those who are of a mind to find such principles as being natural to their own awareness.
About Religion
- The positiveness of the human spirit should be emphasized by religion rather than dwelling on and making a religiously sanctioned life style out of the negative.
- No one religion is right and all others wrong. Each exists to serve whatever level of spiritual evolution its leaders and followers have attained.
- The ultimate purpose of religion is to reunite a person with God’s Presence within, and in the process to improve one’s life. This is the current, present and daily purpose of Religious Metaphysics.
- There ultimately is but one life in this universe, God the Creator, individualized and seeking expression through all creation.
About God
- The Universal Life Presence of God exists in all living things, as the creating and life sustaining force within its creations.
- The Presence of God can be directly contacted. This has been the assertion of mystics through the ages.
- Divine revelation is possible, in all ages, by members of any faith, at any time in history.
- The point of contact with the Presence of God is at the center of the human mind. This can be experienced spontaneously in meditation, or by other means and practices.
- The pursuit of God’s Presence at the center of the mind necessitates traveling through other mind levels to reach it. This experience gives direct knowledge of other dimensions of existence, including those into which the soul passes when leaving the physical life.
About Jesus, the Bible, Prayer, and Other Religious Teachers
- The teachings of Jesus are correct – if rightly interpreted, which can only be done by evolved souls with mystical awareness.
- The Bible is correct if rightly interpreted, which can only be done by evolved souls with mystical awareness.
- Prayer produces results when rightly understood and practiced. Prayer is most successful when in tune with Divine Will and the Soul’s purpose for this life.
- The teachings of Buddha and Krishna and others of mystical awareness and comprehension can give spiritual insight, leading to improvement of human life.
The Human Condition & Potential
- Human Beings have not been born sinful by nature. If there is that which may be deemed sinful, it occurs through separation from God due to lack of contact between the human level of the mind and the Divine or God level.
- The appearance of bad or evil is not caused by any kind of devil, but by separation from God. This causes division between people and subsequent wrongdoing is the result.
- The finding of spiritual truth begins with intuitive recognition of the intellectual reality of spiritual truth. This is only an individualized reality when mystically accepted and experienced as the first priority of one’s life.
- Pre-existence to physical life and other existence is possible through direct experience of mind levels corresponding to each.
- Human life, both individually and collectively, can be improved by the application of the power of spiritual principles and practices to daily life.
- The following areas of human life have been improved by many who have studied and applied religious metaphysics daily: love, relationships, income, career, creativity, improved health, increased ESP, success, fulfillment, and happiness.
- Spiritual healing or health maintenance is possible through the practice of spiritual science. We do not oppose medical science and prefer to work with it spiritually for the health of people.