Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. – Multi-Dimensional Universes
While physical science is moving increasingly to an acceptance of multi-physical universes, mystics—having long since known this—are aware of an even greater complexity: numerous nonphysical dimensions within each physical dimension.
Expanding this reality from a collective one to each individual’s human reality, there comes a realization to every soul on life’s eternal path that they and all other human beings exist in different dimensions simultaneously. An expansion of inner awareness brings the realization that the soul, or true Self, exists in many dimensions, in several different expressions of beingness.
When the psalmist uttered the words, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made,” it was quite likely spoken with an awareness of how vast even one human existence is in its multiplicity.
Likewise, when the Christ Mind that was in Jesus spoke the words, “I am in this world, but not of it,” the words conveyed an awareness of the multiple layers of what constitutes the reality of the Self.
As a person goes through the physical plane’s earthly dimensional life, may there always be an awareness that there is far more to life than the physical senses can perceive, and that the wisest action we can take is to set aside personal ego’s limited awareness and let the Universal Mind and Spirit that is God guide us through the maze of existence.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,”
Pgs. 121–122. Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev