Achieving Lasting Security: Over the course of his lifetime of service, Dr. Masters presented a large number of inspirational lectures during his Sunday services. Almost all of them began with a meditation or healing treatment, after which he presented a teaching that included a set of affirmation statements.
In this lecture, Dr. Masters says that ultimate lasting security can only be found in your oneness with the unchanging eternal security that is God. Through a daily practice of meditation, you can contact that part of you where your soul is one with God’s Presence, which will fill you with security in both good times and difficult times.
Affirmations for “Achieving Lasting Security” are:
- Lasting: I recognize that the only thing that is really lasting is eternity itself, and that if I am to find anything lasting, it must be eternal.
- Eternal Selfhood: I recognize that there is a part of my beingness that is eternal, or the Christ part of my mind, where my soul and God are in oneness.
- Eternal Beingness: I recognize that I am one in Christ Mind with God’s Eternal Presence.
- Unchanging: I recognize that ultimate, unchanging security is to be found in my oneness with the unchanging, eternal security that is God.
- Power: I recognize that the Christ/God part of me is All-Powerful and has total power over the security of my body, mind, and soul in this lifetime and through eternity.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I contact my eternal Christ-Mind/God Oneness, which fills my beingness with security in difficult times, as well as good times.
- Visualization: I visualize or imagine the entirety of my body on a spiritual level as being filled with God’s Light Presence of lasting, eternal security.
- Eternal Moment: I live in the eternal moment of now that is God’s measure of time, where my security is lasting and eternal.
- Recognition: I recognize that my material, emotional, and health security are under the power of the lasting, eternal Presence of God within me.
To see a complete list of all of Dr. Masters’ Inspirational Lectures, click here.
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