Holistically Retaining Youthfulness: Over the course of his lifetime of service, Dr. Masters presented a large number of inspirational lectures during his Sunday services. Almost all of them began with a meditation or healing treatment, after which he presented a teaching that included a set of affirmation statements.
In this lecture, Dr. Masters reminds you that at the core of your being—at the God level of your being—you are eternal. That eternal part of you is unchanging, existing in one eternal moment of time. To retain youthfulness, choose to identify with and exist in the youthful part of that one eternal moment.
Affirmations for “Holistically Retaining Youthfulness” are:
- Holistic Self-Image: Daily, I maintain an image of myself as a total holistic being, comprised of a synthesis of body, mind, and Spirit, or God Presence.
- Eternal Identification: I identify my spiritual beingness as one with the eternal part of me, or the God Presence of Consciousness within my mind.
- Eternal Youthfulness: I recognize that the eternal or God part of me is unchanging, and I identify with the idea energy of youthfulness contained within and as part of my eternal selfhood.
- Eternal Moment: I recognize that ultimately all exists as one eternal moment of time, and I choose to exist in the youthfulness part of that one eternal moment.
- Attitude: My daily attitude reflects my unchanging recognition of the youthfulness contained in the eternal God part of me.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I establish and maintain 24/7 contact with the idea energy contained in God’s Eternal Presence at the center of consciousness within me.
- Visualization: I visualize or imagine God’s Eternal Light Presence containing the idea energy of youthfulness filling the interior of my body—first on a spiritual level, second on a mind level, and then into the center of every cell of my body on a physical level.
- Humor: I recognize that humor has a positive effect on the health of my body, mind, and soul—and thus, youthfulness—and God intuitively directs me to see the humor in many of life’s experiences.
- Love: I recognize that love is the greatest healing energy of all because it is the essence of God’s nature, so I open myself to be a channel of love to others, and in so doing this affects the health of my body, mind, and soul, which, in turn, helps me to maintain youthfulness.
- Cell Renewal: Through the power of God’s Presence within me, old cells are constantly being replaced with new cells throughout my body, helping me to retain youthfulness by affirming this renewing process daily.
- Intuitive Guidance: Through God’s Presence at the center of my mind, I am intuitively guided as to what I should eat, what supplements to take, what exercises to engage in, and how to keep my mind energized with new learning—all adding to my retaining youthfulness.
To see a complete list of all of Dr. Masters’ Inspirational Lectures, click here.
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