Overcoming Resistance to Positive Change: Over the course of his lifetime of service, Dr. Masters presented a large number of inspirational lectures during his Sunday services. Almost all of them began with a meditation or healing treatment, after which he presented a teaching that included a set of affirmation statements.
In this lecture, Dr. Masters points out that all resistance to making positive changes in your life comes from your ego, which fears the unknown, doubts its capabilities, feels alone in its efforts, and suffers from low self esteem. If you feel any of these things, turn them over to the Presence of God within you for the support you need.
Affirmations for “Overcoming Resistance to Positive Change” are:
- Resistance Source: I realize that resistance to making positive changes in my life comes from a personal sense of ego selfhood, with its self-doubts about even making changes that would seem on the surface to improve my circumstances.
- Fear: I realize that personal ego-mind fear may be a reason for resisting even positive change, and so when I feel fear I turn immediately to my Christ-Mind oneness with God to sublimate my fear into the Light of God-Power Courage within me.
- Unknown: I realize that I may resist positive change because of the unknown associated with the change, so instead I turn inward to God’s Presence that knows all that can be known, which thus removes a blockage of the unknown from my mind.
- Punishment: I realize that God has already forgiven me for all that I believe I should be punished for, and thus I am free to make positive changes for my good at once.
- Responsibility: I realize that I may resist making positive changes because of doubt that I could handle the responsibilities, so knowing that, I will turn it over to God’s Presence within me, which will surface to handle the responsibility.
- Poor Self-Esteem: I realize that resistance to positive change comes from poor self-esteem created by a personal ego-mind sense of selfhood, and thus I choose instead a Christ-Mind awareness so my true self reality is always one with God and God’s attributes.
- Non-Support: I realize that resistance to making positive changes may come from feeling alone in my efforts or not being supported, so I turn inward to God’s Presence as my support in all I must do to improve my life.
To see a complete list of all of Dr. Masters’ Inspirational Lectures, click here.
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