Powerizing Happiness: Over the course of his lifetime of service, Dr. Masters presented a large number of inspirational lectures during his Sunday services. Almost all of them began with a meditation or healing treatment, after which he presented a teaching that included a set of affirmation statements.
In this lecture, Dr. Masters explains that there is nothing in this illusionary, temporary world that can produce lasting happiness—not fame, fortune, power, or success. True lasting happiness only comes from identifying with the Eternal, and knowing yourself to be an eternal being—an individualized expression of God’s Eternal Presence.
Affirmations for “Powerizing Happiness” are
- Lasting Happiness: I recognize that lasting happiness is today, tomorrow, and always.
- Eternity: I recognize that only Eternity, or that which is Eternal, is lasting.
- Identify: I recognize that if I am to have lasting happiness, I must identify with the Eternal as my lasting happiness.
- Consciousness: I recognize Eternity as being conscious of Itself as Universal Consciousness, or God.
- Oneness: I recognize that my oneness with Eternal Consciousness or Universal God/Mind/Spirit is the only assured lasting happiness for my mind and soul.
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I connect with Eternal Consciousness, or lasting happiness.
- Retaining Happiness: In my identification with the Eternal Consciousness of God Energy, I retain my inner happiness with myself and my life, regardless of constant changes in my outer life—whether highs or lows.
- Experiencing: I experience lasting happiness as an inner state of beingness, contentment, wholeness, and completeness.
To see a complete list of all of Dr. Masters’ Inspirational Lectures, click here.
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