Practicing Mystical Oneness with God Daily: Over the course of his lifetime of service, Dr. Masters presented a large number of inspirational lectures during his Sunday services. Almost all of them began with a meditation or healing treatment, after which he presented a teaching that included a set of affirmation statements.
In this lecture, Dr. Masters points out that happiness comes from practicing the Presence of God on a daily basis. It is easy, however, to become distracted by your outer senses and veer from an inner sense of oneness with God. So what can you do? Mediate daily. Visualize daily. And upon waking and retiring each day, affirm your oneness with God.
Affirmations for “Practicing Mystical Oneness with God Daily” are:
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, my surface-level mind is either in conscious or unconscious contact with Universal Consciousness, or God, in an inner state of oneness.
- Visualization: Every day I take a few moments to visualize or imagine that the entirety of the interior of my body is filled with God’s Light Presence, and I am one with that Presence.
- Awakening: Daily upon awakening from sleep, I affirm and declare that I live this day in mystical oneness with God.
- Retiring: Daily when I am ready to retire to sleep, I affirm and declare that during sleep I am in mystical oneness with God.
- During Sleep: Daily during sleep, my mind is influenced by my oneness with God, for guidance and thoughts are planted in my subconscious to come forth into my surface-level mind.
- Release: Daily, I affirm and declare that I choose to live my life in oneness with God and God’s Will for my life, and so I release my personal ego self to live my universal selfhood united with God.
- At Meals: Daily at every meal, I take time in my own mind or in some other way to acknowledge that the food before me is made possible by my oneness with God.
- Accomplishing: Daily, all that I do or accomplish is as a result of my oneness with God, to whom I give credit as having been the true doer of all achieved.
- Love and Blessings: Daily, I take a few moments in my awareness of my eternal oneness with God to send forth into the atmosphere the Love and Blessing of God’s Presence to everyone, everywhere.
To see a complete list of all of Dr. Masters’ Inspirational Lectures, click here.
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