Practicing Soul-Mating: Over the course of his lifetime of service, Dr. Masters presented a large number of inspirational lectures during his Sunday services. Almost all of them began with a meditation or healing treatment, after which he presented a teaching that included a set of affirmation statements.
In this lecture, Dr. Masters describes how communicating with your soul mate is different from exchanging thoughts with others. Basically, he says that it is more of an energy exchange on a soul dimension. On that plane of consciousness communication is beyond thought and words. There is just a “knowingness,” and you do not even need to be together physically.
Affirmations for “Practicing Soul-Mating” are:
- Soul Mates: I understand that soul-mates are just that—a mating of two souls.
- Communication: I understand that soul-mates are brought together on a soul-mate dimension, where communication over and beyond the physical exists.
- Energy Exchange: I understand that on soul-level dimension, communications are energy exchanges that transmit the equivalent of human thoughts and feelings, but at a higher spirited frequency level.
- Physical Soul-Mating: While I understand that, for the most part, soul-mate communication takes place on a soul dimension, I can practice soul-mating in the physical dimension with my physical senses.
- Mutual Meditation: When meditating, I practice soul-mating by sitting together, preferably back to back, and letting the higher consciousness spiritual energy of our souls commingle and fuse.
- Hand Light Exchange: I practice soul-mating by taking both hands of another in mine, and imagining the Light of God’s Presence within me flowing through my hands into theirs.
- Heart to Heart: I practice soul-mating by mentally visualizing or imagining that the Light of God’s Presence is flowing into my soul mate’s heart, and from their heart into mine.
- Music: I practice soul-mating with my soul mate by allowing beautifully inspired music to take hold of both of us and sweep us upward in a musical simpatico of soul energy exchange.
- Sharing: I practice soul-mating by sharing concerns, weaknesses, goals, and aspirations with complete trust, knowing that what is shared is a sacred trust because of the soul nature of the relationship.
To see a complete list of all of Dr. Masters’ Inspirational Lectures, click here.
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