REMOVING MENTAL CAUSES FOR ILL HEALTH: No matter what the year or what the subject, Dr. Masters’ wisdom for daily living is just as relevant for life today as it was when it was first delivered. In this lecture, Dr. Masters talks about causes for ill health that are mental in nature, and how to go about removing those causes.
Although there can be a physical cause for ill health—such as a virus that is attacking your body—Dr. Masters points out that most of the time ill health has a cause that is rooted in your thinking and your emotions. That means that if you change your thinking and your emotional reactions to things, it is likely that you can begin to remove the cause of a condition you are experiencing. That change in consciousness can happen when you allow your inner physician—the Presence of God within you—to guide your thinking and inform you of what you may be doing to yourself, and how to get your energy frequencies back in balance.
Affirmations for “Removing Mental Causes for Ill Health” are:
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation on God’s Presence within me, the Universal Mind/Spirit of God is sublimating negative causal energy behind any ill health in my body to positive, God-Light good-health energy.
- Visualization: I picture or imagine the interior of by body filled with God’s Light-Presence of health and healing, in which no negative causes of ill health can exist.
- Intuitive Guidance: Through my daily practice of meditation on God’s Presence within me, my conscious mind is open to receive intuitive guidance from God as to the mental causes of any ill health in my body.
- Self-Image: I release all negative ill health causes of a poor self-image, and replace them with an image of my inner oneness with God’s Wisdom, Power, Will, and Love.
- Previous Failures: I release all negative ill health causes from my mind associated with past failures in my life, and replace them with the divine concept of success from the Presence of God within me.
- Love: I release all negative ill health causes associated with failed love or rejection, and open myself wide to God’s Love within myself.
- Escape: I release all negative ill health causes that have come from my attempting to escape consciously or unconsciously from worldly undertakings and responsibilities, and instead turn such concerns over to God’s Presence within me.
- Guilt: I release all negative ill health causes arising from guilt within myself by knowing that God has already forgiven me for any time I may have erred.
- Denial: I release all negative ill health causes coming from my being in denial by realizing that the energy of denial denies the reality that my body was created by God to be healthy.
Listen to a part of this lecture recorded in 2003:
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