TELEPATHICALLY ATTRACTING LOVE: No matter what the year or what the subject, Dr. Masters’ wisdom for daily living is just as relevant for life today as it was when it was first delivered. In this lecture, Dr. Masters reveals how you can attract love into your life through the power of your God-given creative consciousness.
If you are like most people, right beneath the top priority to have a relationship with God, is the need to have the experience of love in your life. Fortunately, God has given you the ability to create your own experiences of life through your consciousness, which includes the experience of love. This power you have comes from the simple fact that you and everyone else are all part of God’s Mind and Consciousness, and thus—whether you are aware of it or not—you are constantly in touch with everyone else telepathically. Like a radio station, you are constantly broadcasting telepathic messages to others, and you are constantly receiving telepathic messages from them, as well. To attract love into your life, you must make sure that your telepathic messages are broadcasting the vibratory energy of God’s Love, which you are close to whenever you meditate.
Affirmations for “Telepathically Attracting Love” are:
- Meditation: My daily meditation enables me to receive and give forth telepathic exchanges in love.
- Positiveness: By maintaining a positive attitude toward love and toward life, and by meditating daily, I telepathically attract positive love.
- Eliminating: By constantly working to eliminate negativity from my mind, I remove the cause that telepathically attracts negativity in love.
- Universal: The more I identify with Universal Oneness of All Life, the more I telepathically attract the oneness energy of love to me.
Listen to a part of this lecture:
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