Total Health: Over the course of his lifetime of service, Dr. Masters presented a large number of inspirational lectures during his Sunday services. Almost all of them began with a meditation or healing treatment, after which he presented a teaching that included a set of affirmation statements.
In this lecture, Dr. Masters explains that the natural healing energies of God are found at the center of your consciousness. Through a daily practice of meditation you open your body, mind, and soul to those healing energies, and you also open yourself to the intuitive guidance of God as to what you need to do to maintain or restore your total health.
Affirmations for “Total Health” are:
- Meditation: Through my daily practice of meditation, I open my body, mind, and soul to the natural healing energies of God at the center of consciousness within me.
- Visualization: Daily, I take a few moments to visualize or imagine my body filled with God’s Health-Maintaining and Healing Light Energy Presence.
- Intuitive Guidance: Every day my conscious mind and feeling nature is open to receive intuitive guidance from God’s Consciousness within me, as needed for the health of my body, mind, and soul.
- Thought Monitoring: I monitor my daily thoughts and feelings, immediately saying at the very moment I think or feel anything negative, “I nullify and neutralize all negativity affecting the health of my body, mind, and soul.”
- Cleansing Breathing: To cleanse my body, mind, and soul, I breathe in positive energy with every inhalation, and with every exhalation I breathe out negative energy.
- Earth and Sky: Whenever I can, I take a few minutes to lie on the ground, feeling God’s healing energies from the earth beneath me, while at the same time receiving God’s healing energies from the sun overhead.
- Interaction: My body, mind, and soul energies interact in harmony with each other and with God Consciousness Energy for maintaining or regaining my health.
- Holistic Diet: God Consciousness intuitively guides me as to what I should place into my body, mind, and soul.
- Oneness: I declare that my first priority in life is my oneness with God, and through such oneness, God’s perfection maintains health and healing throughout my body, mind, and soul.
- Attitude: I accept that in the Health-Maintaining and Healing Light Presence of God, God created me to experience health in my body, mind, and soul.
To see a complete list of all of Dr. Masters’ Inspirational Lectures, click here.
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