Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“Readiness for Mystical Freedom”
The Christ Mind that was in Jesus spoke the words, “And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.” These words have been subject to many scholarly, theological interpretations, but they are truly revealed through mystical awareness. That Truth is that there is but One Life in the Universe, and that everyone and all things are part of this One Life—the Creative Universal Presence, or God. The Truth of being set free mystically refers to being free of the false sense of personal ego identity, so that one’s soul may experience and benefit from its oneness with Spirit, or God.
Understanding this may present a problem:
The problem may be that you already know the mystical description and accept it, but perhaps only on an intellectual level. Knowing and accepting something on an intellectual level is knowing and accepting something by your false personal ego identity—by that illusionary part of yourself that is divided from the Whole, the One Life, or God. The intellectual acceptance by the personal ego is a ploy or game that this false sense plays to pacify the soul into thinking it is progressing spiritually. If the ploy or game works, then one’s spiritual existence goes into limbo. The false personal ego identity may then choose to philosophize with other false personal ego identities about the nature, mysteries, and realities of life, but might never get past philosophizing or intellectualizing about reality. One then becomes a scholar of mysticism, but not a mystic. One speaks of the Truth, but rarely experiences or lives it, except during momentary lapses by the controlling false personal ego.
Knowing the Truth intellectually is being in spiritual limbo, while living it is being free.
Being free is a wonderful state of beingness. It is actually being in contact mystically with Universal Presence, or God. It is a sharing of consciousness between the surface part of your awareness and Universal Presence. It is not living out some sort of messianic complex where you feel spiritually superior to others. That would still be part of the personal ego game-playing. Instead, it is a full realization that all persons are part of the One Universal Consciousness Presence, or God. In addition, you do what the Universe guides you to do in helping a few others to join you in mystical awareness and contact, and you are patient with the remainder, knowing that—in the illusion of time—their mystical awareness shall come, too, when God or Universal Presence chooses to awaken them, based upon whether their souls are ready for the awakening.
Until Universal Presence or God commences the mystical awakening, the personal ego identity lives through another lifetime. As previously alluded to, there may be small fragments of illusionary time where the Universal Presence inspires or creates—pushing aside the personal ego’s control to do so. In such moments of true, spiritually motivated inspiration, the soul is ignited, feeling so moved and so inspired by life. Could one imagine that this is what life would be like if one were free?
Imagine if your mind were to become aware of new insights and new creative ideas on a daily basis, not just on a rare occasion. Imagine being aware of the greater picture of what’s really happening—beyond what personal ego comprehension is not seeing, because it is too caught up in its illusion of what is taking place. It’s a greater life—a greater existence!
It’s getting back to, and being part of, one’s Universal Roots, no longer needing to be stimulated by things of this earth. There is no boredom causing one to run from place to place. Although one can still be very active in the illusionary world, it is no longer where real activity is experienced. Real activity is experienced in the realm of consciousness. Poets and others who are aware have alluded to the world as being but a stage—a stage where illusionary dramas unfold, whether between people or nations, and where the dualistic divide breeds its illusions of love and hate, war and peace, pleasure and pain.
There is a mystical knowing that Life Itself is a Universal, Eternal Process and Presence, and that earthly, dimensional life is a small portion of the Process—a drop in the Ocean of Universal Consciousness. To be free is to be aware that you are part of such Moisture and are part of the Ocean’s Awareness and Purpose—or God’s Will.
Many people say they are easily bored. To cure their immediate sense of boredom they seek some new adventure—be it traveling, doing something new or different, and so on. Now in the physical dimension of this earth’s life, there’s nothing wrong with this, for they are edging, slowly, to actually being free. This earthly world is exhausting. The excitement of personal ego adventure eventually becomes exhausted, and the attention is no longer controlled by what is outward, but what is inward, so that the Eternal Stirrings of the soul do awaken.
When one is in companionship with the Universe, one finds that there is no place to go, because in Reality, everything is right where you are. There is so much more to experience in the Realm of Reality than in the illusions of earthly experience. Even the most beautiful scenery on the face of this earth plane pales when compared to visionary travels in Higher Realms. The most beautiful things of the earth are but a hint of the immense beauty that exists in Higher Realms of Universal Presence.
When individuals are ready—really ready—I need not encourage them, for they are already being encouraged and welcomed by the Universal Presence within them.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” Pgs. 75–78.
Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev