Brian Warner was raised in the tradition of Christianity. His father being a Pentecostal minister, taught a firm foundation in this religious path. In his teenage years, Brian began to feel a need for something beyond the scope of his parent’s belief system. This began the start of his spiritual quest.
At the age of 30, Brian had a significant shift in his goals. The spiritual path became a central facet of his life. This paradigm change moved him from book knowledge to experiencing the spiritual path. In 2004, Brian became a Buddhist. He studied under Lama Marut (Brian Smith) and the Asian Classics Institute. There he learned many of the key principals of Buddhist belief (Karma, Emptiness, Reincarnation and Meditation).
Shortly after the journey into Buddhism, Brian still felt a spiritual hunger. It was at this time he joined several mystical societies. Mystical societies (such as The Golden Dawn, AMORC, Aurum Solis and others) taught methods of going inward (akin to Buddhism) but also methods of affecting the world around us.
In the next stage of his spiritual search, Brian was introduced to Scientology through a job interview. This started a trek into the formal world of Scientology. It wasn’t long lasting, but did produce some new skills to better relate to others. Using techniques taught by Scientology, Brian was able to transform some of the most challenging and difficult co- workers into friends and comrades.
After leaving Scientology, Brian became a Hindu student of a past Guru (the late Paramhansa Yogananda) through the Ananda organization, in order to better understand Hinduism. “Reading isn’t enough, one must become what one wishes to know about.” This was his take on the spiritual choices he had made. But now, rather than “belonging to the right group,” Brian began to see a need of growing in God. This was a change in focus. All groups were “right,” but it was a unique path to that inward Divine source he needed to establish.
This search for God continued in the studies of Ananda (founded by a student of Paramhansa Yogananda),Unity Church (founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore) and Agape International (founded by Dr.Michael Bernard Beckwith). Interestingly enough, these three organizations were very similar – they each taught the need of study, meditation and affirmation.
In 2013, Brian became a student at the University of Metaphysics, to which he felt,“This was perhaps the first time I had learned of methods so simple, yet more effective than any other, in making contact with the Divine source within.”
Setting up a daily ritual of meditation and reading affirmations four times a day, deep spiritual connections began to take root.
At this time, Rev. Brian Warner is an ordained minister of the International Metaphysical Ministry. While holding a mundane position in the Information Technology field, he is continuing his spiritual studies to gain a masters’ and doctorate degree through the University of Sedona. Brian has an outreach program through social media (twitter, youtube, google+) and an online presence ( as well.
Rev. Brian Warner relates the benefit of the University of Metaphysics:
“Dr.Master’s has given me so much. Before I came to the University of Metaphysics, I never saw the value in affirmations. Today, I can attest that without the use of affirmations I would not be seeing the Divine in all of God’s creation.
Let me relate a short story of something that recently happened to me. I was taking a walk outside my office. As I looked around me, I was awestruck by the beauty of everything. Every cloud, every tree seemed to be filled with God. It was like a subtle glow. An illumination from within. It wasn’t so much a visual experience, as a spiritual one. I knew then that all the trees, and insects, and plants were filled with the Divine. The best I can describe it– is as though seeing with ‘new eyes.’ Every butterfly created a deep joy in me to witness it’s existence. Every flower filled me with peace. I had never felt like this before. This began to reveal the teachings of Hinduism and other spiritual paths of my past, as a concrete experience.
How did I get to this point? My path was for me, that I’m certain. Each step along the way got me here. But also, specific teachings of Dr. Master’s put into daily practice (spiritual affirmation being a key factor) as well as the guided meditations of his on the subject of ‘Heavenly Contact,’ truly benefited me in achieving this feeling of ‘oneness’ with all of creation.”
Rev. Brian Warner continues his spiritual path by helping others achieve the realization of what they truly are. That the real YOU/ME is greater than the egoic personality we think of as “you/me. ”The real YOU is the Divine source within.
Brian is considering writing a spiritually based book and has published a guided meditation of his own on (“Transforming Anger Into Compassion”).
“While looking for my specific spiritual purpose each day, I turn to inward truth to guide me. A book of truth recommended by the University of Metaphysics (“The Impersonal Life”) reads in Chapter 1 (page 20), ‘To you, who thought you had found it in some great teacher, who was perhaps the acknowledged head of some Society, Fraternity or Religion, and who appeared to you to be a ‘Master,’ so marvelous was the wisdom he taught and the works he performed; – only to awaken later to the realization that that ‘Master’ was but a human personality, with faults and weaknesses, and secret sins, the same as you, even though that personality may have been a channel through which were voiced many beautiful teachings, which seemed to you the highest ‘Truth; ‘And here you are, Soul aweary and enhungered, and not knowing where to turn – to you, I AM come.’
That sums truth for all of us. The ‘I AM’ has come and is here in each of us, right now. It is our business to break down the walls of ego and join the ‘I AM’ (Divine source, Christ Consciousness.) Therein is the eternal source of peace, love and joy.”
With this attitude, Brian writes, creates videos and publishes content to better help others realize the Divine source within.
Rev. Brian Warner, B.Msc.