Do you feel heard? Do you need someone to listen? A compassionate listener awaits your call.
Reverend Florence has always felt called to work directly with people, face to face or at least voice to voice. She felt this calling about 30 years ago when she was a volunteer receptionist learning about computers. Rev. Florence feels her needs were always taken care of, even in the darkest of times. She has raised four children and has been blessed over and over during her life. Rev. Florence has learned to appreciate the small things, like finding the right and perfect coat in a second hand store to go to a job interview. Whenever she needed something, it appeared. Rev. Florence has steadily moved toward becoming a Social Worker and Life Skills Facilitator, continuing to work with people from all walks of life and all cultures; most recently with people in poverty and women in prisons. She has 20 years’ experience as a Social Worker and Life Skills Facilitator.
Rev. Florence’s mother introduced her to The Science of Mind literature about 20 years ago as well. She became aware of the Divine Energy flowing through all of us, and has since observed that more people need to have permission to go within, rather than continually looking outward, to others, who seem to have the answers. She knows that we each have our own unique answers within, if we would but take the time to meditate, be quiet and listen.
Rev. Florence discovered the IMM teachings a few years ago, after she had taken some courses through her Spiritual Centre. Rev. Florence earned her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Metaphysics in 2012 and is now completing her Master’s Degree. She says she likes how forthright and to the point Dr. Masters’ words are. Rev. Florence believes the courses helped her discover her passion. By staying present and acknowledging the Divine Loving Energy that flows through us, Rev. Florence has been able to touch the hearts of many of her clients, supporting them while they find their own inner strength. Through meditating and the daily practice of staying present, she feels ready to move forward with this project of her heart. Rev. Florence believes in the goodness of people so her project is faith-based, in that the fees are at the discretion of the caller. She believes the Universe is abundant and generous with its gifts to all.
The Personal Peace Project, a faith-based project, is intended to support callers in finding their own inner strength and resilience, re-discovering their unique gifts and passion for life; eventually coming to a place of peace within.
If you feel isolated in any way, call Rev. Florence and share your story with her. All calls are confidential and intended to help you feel uplifted and re-charged. Rev. Florence believes in the inner strength and possibility of all people. Peace begins within.
Personal Peace Project
Local: 780-705-0395
Toll Free: 1-855-276-2554
P.O. Box 40015
Edmonton AB T5J 4M9
All calls are confidential. Fees are at your discretion.