Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“Spiritual Healing and Medical Treatment Mystically Viewed”
We live in a world of dualities—of peace and war, pleasure and pain, wealth and poverty. Is it any wonder then, that there is an ongoing conflict between proponents of spiritual and natural healing versus the majority of the medical establishment?
Recently, Dr. Oz, host of one of the most popular medical shows in the United States, has come under attack by some of his medical peers. Although Dr. Oz is very respected as a surgeon, some have gone so far as to accuse him of presenting quackery on his telecasts. In recent years, many physicians like Dr. Oz have branched out into alternative and complementary healing modalities as an adjunct to their practice, but they have had to suffer the contempt of their traditional, allopathic peers. So it is not just a matter of conflict between traditional allopathic medicine and those who practice spiritual healing, but it is also a matter of conflict within the ranks of the medical community itself.
Most who are reading this Insight—or listening to it—have a metaphysical, transpersonal, or mystical-study background, and are well aware that spiritual healing has been practiced since the beginnings of recorded time. In the West, the claims of Jesus’ healings added an exclamation mark to the practice. Mary Baker Eddy, who was taught by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, carried the focus of spiritual health into modern times with the advent of Christian Science. The concept of Christian Science Practitioners inspired Ernest Holmes to create Religious Science Practitioners. In between Christian Science and Religious Science, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore placed a great deal of emphasis on Spiritual healing in the Unity Church movement. And yes, the concept of metaphysical practitioners is part of the International Metaphysical Ministry.
In today’s world there are many forms of spiritual healing being practiced—from the most primitive to the more advanced—with the majority being somewhere in between, whether practiced by traditional Christian fundamentalists, New Age adherents, or New Thought followers.
Adding to the dualistic conflict between advocates of spiritual healing and the traditional medical establishment has been the strong interest in recent years by the public in natural healing. Since the idea of natural healing and spiritual healing seem so closely akin, it is commonplace for those who practice some form of spiritual healing to urge others to embrace more natural lifestyles—to eat natural foods, be out in nature more often, and so on.
From a higher, mystical viewpoint, health or healing that is achieved through what is termed natural healing versus spiritual healing are one and the same. In both natural and spiritual healing, the health-maintaining powers and health-restoring powers at work within the body are the same. The natural health practitioner may describe this inner power as the natural power of the body to heal itself and maintain health, while those involved in spiritual healing will attribute good health or health restoration to God’s Power working in the body. From a mystical view, as previously stated, they are one and the same.
Yes, some allopathic medical doctors do acknowledge spiritual and natural methodologies to restore and maintain health. Unfortunately, they are still a very small minority. At the same time, there are extremists carrying the spiritual and natural banners into war against established medical practice and pharmaceutical companies, which they see as big business favoring profits over human health concerns. Add to this the fancy footwork of insurance companies and governmental health interventions, and the spiritual and natural health practitioners do have a lot to point a finger at. And let’s not forget the chemically altered food industry that has high financial stakes in producing more food—but at what cost to the health of the body? Hippocrates, the father of medicine, once advised, “Let food by thy medicine.” Would he say the same about much of today’s chemically altered food?
And so in this world of illusionary dualities, the wars and conflicts between spiritual healing and medical treatment wages on.
With mystical awareness there should be no conflict, because conflict is an illusion of egos, which—in this case—is caused by the false personal ego identities of the spiritual and natural healers on one hand and of the traditional allopathic medical doctors on the other. Mystically speaking, both are playing out their roles of feeding their false personal ego identities. The two should be as one, demonstrating the One Universal Life Presence of God manifesting through them for the good of those seeking to preserve their good health or restore it.
In a world where the Oneness of life is recognized, those of the spiritual and natural healing professions and the medical profession would be under one roof. All factors of beingness—body, mind, and soul—would now be treated by a holistic approach for the whole person. We would no longer have a war of methodologies based on the limited awareness of personal egos. Instead, we would have peace and understanding—all working for the good of the person seeking preventative care or healing.
If one wishes to criticize the medical profession, there is much—so very much—to criticize. Yet, with all the technological advancements it has made in preventative care and treatment, there is also very much to praise. Likewise, if criticism is directed toward spiritual and natural practitioners, there is also an abundance to be critical of, for without mystical awareness and guidance, the greater majority of these practitioners operate out of false personal ego identities, which is not a conducive atmosphere for actual spiritual or natural healing—or more specifically, for God’s Power to be actively present.
The Mystical Reality is this:
Not everyone on the physical earth plane of existence will be healed, whether through spiritual, natural, or medical means. A goodly percentage will pass on to the afterlife, and some will continue to be here even though discomfort and pain will be present. It is left for you to decide, whether you believe this to be the result of bad karma, or to remind the healthy how very important health is, and to teach them what mistakes to avoid.
Those whose health has been maintained or restored may give credit to their spiritual or natural practitioner, or to their medical physician. Those who are aware, and have either maintained good health or received the restoration of their health, may give credit to both. But, mystically speaking, the credit really goes to the One Life Universal God Presence living in everyone, by whose Grace good health prevails or is restored.
The scalpel in the hands of the surgeon is directed by God’s Presence, and the very same inner God Presence guides the methods of the spiritual or natural practitioner.
In a perfect world of beingness, issues of health are nonexistent. Only Pure Beingness exists. There are no dualities, no conflicts—just Being. There is nothing to seek that is called health and nothing to avoid that is called sickness. Duality and personal ego identity are no longer even a memory; for memory is thought, and Beingness is without thought—it is just Ultimate Oneness and Love in the Absolute. In such a state of Beingness, all that once was in need of healing has long since been healed. The illusion of measured time has been replaced with the Reality of One Eternal Moment of Blissful Universal Beingness.
Whether one is seeking spiritual healing, medical treatment, or a merger of both; whether it’s for preventative care or the restoration of wellness; whether it’s for oneself or for those that are cared for, always keep in mind the real truth of the matter:
In the Mystical Reality of God’s Oneness, All is Already Resolved as WHOLENESS. And so it is.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” Pgs. 83–87.
Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev