Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“The Sacredness of Silence”
There’s a Mystical expression that goes, “He who speaks more knows less, and he who speaks less knows more.” If one encounters religious zealots, they are very likely to speak at great length and volume about their beliefs. A person who is advanced in spiritual awareness knows to remain silent and let the zealot ramble on. With awareness, one knows that to try to enlighten such a person at that level of awareness would do no good. It would only end in a meaningless debate. There’s nothing to be gained. It is better to remain silent, being content to know that in some future lifetime every zealot will awaken to a much greater realization of spiritual truth.
All who have studied deeper forms of meditation—for the purpose of experiencing mystical union with God—do all they can to enter into the Silence of the Absolute. Only when the mind can be totally quieted can Absolute Presence be known. As long as thinking occupies the mind, God cannot. Thoughts and thinking are all activities of the false sense of personal ego identity. Even those thoughts that dwell on God are still part of personal ego consciousness. As long as the personal ego is active—even in the loftiest of ways—God’s Presence remains unknown.
Through the ages, Mystics of higher awareness have taught that personal ego thoughts have to be totally stilled so that God may be known. As a result, all kinds of systems have been developed to achieve such silence. Most systems revolve around what I described decades ago as the exhaustion principle—that is, exhaust the mind, so that the thinking process gives way to silence, where the sacredness of God’s Presence can be known. One example can be seen in an exhaustive dance where the dancers so deplete themselves that they collapse and the body/mind relationship (without the personal ego energy) takes over. In other words, exhaust the body, and you exhaust the personal ego level of the mind; and if consciousness remains, it is only the sacred silence of the Eternal, or God.
The Biblical words that express it all are, “Be still and know that I am God.” So many turn to God daily, seeking God’s Guidance or some form of Divine intervention in their lives, yet they cannot hear God’s Presence, for it is drowned out by the loudness of their thoughts. The Christ Mind that was in Jesus referred to this as “praying amiss.” Simply put, the more one prays using thought, the less one can hear the Voice of the Silence, or God. Candidly, the only time prayer makes a connection to God or Universal Presence is when the personal ego has exhausted itself or let go, and in letting go creates a consciousness void which is instantly filled with God’s Universal Presence. To the very heart of the matter, if a person never uttered a word of prayer, but simply became as silent as possible, Universal Presence or God would respond. In other words, a person does not have to ask. As expressed by the Christ Mind that was in Jesus—“Your Father knows what you have need of before you ask.”
In the Sacred Silence of God’s Universal Presence, all is already known—inclusive of all souls, both in the seen physical world and in the unseen world of other dimensions—for past, present, and future co-exist in one Eternal Moment of Time. And, it must be noted, that whatever a person would be moved to pray for will not be answered as a physical reality, if it is not what is best for the soul’s journey at any given moment of so-called time in the soul’s eternal journey.
If we wish to be more under the influence of the Universal Presence of God, may we speak less outwardly and listen more inwardly. There’s an expression that goes, “He is a man of few words.” When such a person is encountered, when the person does speak, in most instances the words are meaningful and insightful. When that person doesn’t speak—whether consciously aware of it or not—the silence opens some degree of receptivity to, and influence by, the knowingness of Universal God Presence.
Health is so very important. So please also note that one’s health can be greatly influenced by the Sacred Silence of God’s Presence. Whenever you begin to have a feeling that something is not right with the health of the body, you should become as quiet as possible. Granted, this may not always be possible if extreme pain or other discomfort is present, but as soon as it has diminished be as quiet and still as possible—both physically and mentally. If possible, enter a meditative state—even a light one will do. This will give greater presence for the Primal Energy of Universal God-Presence to work on adjusting all of the out-of-balance energy factors in your body and mind, thereby restoring those energy factors and improving health. When it comes to health and healing, indeed Silence is Golden, for it is the Sacred Silence of Universal God-Presence working to maintain or restore the health of one’s body.
Being quieter and more silent also allows the Power and Love of God’s Presence to be more easily experienced by others. Many years ago, I knew of a man who was married to a very bright and beautiful woman, who—in her enthusiasm for life—talked and talked to an extreme. One day, he asked her to engage in an experiment of not speaking for a few minutes. The wife became silent. After a few minutes the husband said to her, “When you are silent I feel an enlargement of your presence. I sense a greater beauty, power, and love emanating forth from you. I feel a greater sense of a wonderful you that I cannot sense when I’m concentrating on your words. I can be aware of the truer, deeper you, and it’s wonderful.” From that day forward the wife spoke less, because when she was silent, she too could sense a greater presence—the Sacred Silence of God’s Presence filling her soul.
Yes, whether it regards one’s health, a relationship, or, most importantly, one’s entire life, the Sacred Silence of God’s Universal Presence is there within all—awaiting the quieting of thoughts and thinking.
Be still then. Enter the Sacred Silence of God’s Presence and know the blessings of God’s Peace and Love.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text for “The Sacredness of Silence” is taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” Pgs. 46–49. Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev