Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“To Know Everything, Admit to Knowing Nothing”
There is nothing so ignorant as the personal ego in humans that believes it knows something or anything about the reality of life.
The personal ego is of itself a figment of the imagination built on limited physical sense perceptions that it exists or even has any reality. How can anything that is of itself a non-reality even begin to attempt to grasp the reality of what life really is, both on a Universal scale and miniaturized down to an individual?
The personal ego binds and restricts an understanding of life as a whole and an individual’s relationship to it. Oftentimes, one person, sensing that another person is deluding himself about something, will exclaim, “Get real!” But how can individuals actually get real, if what they have to work with—their personal egos—are unreal in and of themselves?
In the Bible there is the statement, “He who loses himself (i.e., the personal ego) for my sake (i.e., Universal Consciousness or God) finds himself (i.e., God, Self, Reality or Christ Self, Mind, or Consciousness of Christ).”
When a person has finally discarded the illusionary sense of the personal ego’s unreality, the consciousness is free to experience Universal Christ, Buddha, or Krishna awareness of the Reality of Life—the true relationship of individual human creation and existence to the greater totality of the Creational Process or the Will of God. Till such time, the mind or consciousness within the individual wanders amongst shadowy images within itself, believing that the images are reality and remaining unaware that to have shadows, there must be Light—the Light that to the mystic is the Light of Creation, or God.
If Truth be ultimately known, the world—or physical-plane earthly life—is but a mixture of shadows. Science, as it currently exists, is an attempt to classify and understand shadows rather than to search more directly into the Light Source—or Life Itself. Very few of today’s scientists are exceptions to this. Those few that are, are God-motivated from within themselves to discover the Ultimate First Cause.
To awaken to Universal Consciousness, where Ultimate Reality and one’s relationship to it can be known, necessitates the admission by one’s very Soul that the imaginary “I” or personal self knows nothing in regard to life and is speculating only on the meaning of shadows.
To know everything is to know the Universal Eternal Beingness of God. To know everything is to know one’s relationship to Everything—or God. To know one’s relationship to God is to know one’s soul’s purpose, or the reason for your being an individualized expression of God’s Presence. Only when a soul truly knows its reason for existing can the fulfillment of the soul be achieved, which, in truth, is God’s Will individualized.
Without such awareness—be it likened to Christ, Buddha, or Krishna—the mind remains a dimly lit room with choices and decisions about life based on shadowy speculations. When life is so founded, it is no wonder there is so much failure in the human experience to live in happiness and fulfillment.
It is not enough to acknowledge intellectually what is said here. That’s only a philosophical agreement, which still falls under the province of the personal ego. To know everything—God—you must admit to knowing nothing. The Christ Mind that was in Jesus alluded to this in the words, “Unless you become as little children (i.e. stripped of the personal ego’s intellect), you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven (i.e. the Beingness of God Consciousness).”
The choice is to remain a shadowy figure or to step into the Light of one’s Light-Self. When ready, the Light will guide you unto Itself.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,”Pgs. 137–139.
Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev