Meditation awakens one’s consciousness — and conscious awareness creates greater sensitivity to what is — and what is not — both on a Universal scale and the individual’s role within it.
Beginning as far back as 1959, Dr. Masters wanted to find out as much as he could about spiritual reality. Was human consciousness a mere quirk of nature, or was Nature Self-conscious on a Universal scale, creating and recreating itself inclusive of human existence as symbolized in words from the Bible, “The Spirit made flesh”? To him, the key was the exploration of Consciousness and its furthest reaches, which held the true potential innately in the unconscious for what an individual, or society collectively, could become and achieve. More than anything, he wanted to share and teach these possibilities to others.
Starting with a small group of twenty students in 1959, he began research and exploration into consciousness by observing and collecting descriptive information from his students, each of whom was practicing various forms of advanced meditation in their practice with Dr. Masters. The descriptions of what students experienced clairvoyantly (seeing within their minds) were noted on his research reports, and participants were asked a number of questions to ascertain what brought about the experience, along with the interpretation the research participant gleaned from it.
After decades of this kind of research, Dr. Masters could see that the participants’ experiences changed qualitatively when they had been listening to his voice, either in person or from a recording. That information, along with his own mind-shattering experience in 1963 during which he reached the ultimate experience of meditation (Nirvana, Presence, Emptiness, Samadhi, or Cosmic Consciousness) taught him that the participants, when they meditated along with his voice, were directly and positively affected by the energies that he had achieved. Their states of meditation raised in vibration along with his frequencies.
The results of testing evolved over half a century to produce “The Voice of Meditation,” what today are the most unique and valuable meditations offered in the field of metaphysics. These meditations have brought forth subjective spiritual reality into the realm of human physical existence, producing tangible empirical results in improving the quality of so many lives worldwide. These outer benefits can include the following: producing creative ideas for success and income; higher love frequencies to maintain or attract love; an awakening of innate natural healing energies for better health; and experiencing inner realities of the Divine and the immortality of our souls.
By listening to the meditations available in the collection, “The Voice of Meditation,” you participate in a greater Universal Reality for the betterment of yourself. While your ears will detect the beautifully calming and inspirational tone in Dr. Masters’ voice, there is still more that is affecting you.
In everyday life, every physical perception has other vibratory levels that are usually unperceived by your physical senses. There are vibrational frequency energies on a psychic, ethereal, astral, mental, and mystical level. In Dr. Masters’ voice there are usually undetected frequencies of high spiritual energies transmitted to corresponding energy frequencies in your own higher levels of mind and awareness, stimulating them into activity.
The higher vibrational frequencies in Dr. Masters’ voice come as the result of years of going into the higher levels of his consciousness during meditation in which he has personally experienced practically all states of meditative consciousness, which you may have heard or read about in various schools of thought, such as Yoga, Alchemy, Theosophy, Self-Realization, Vedanta, Religious Science, Unity, and Mysticism. Once stimulated, your own mind/spirit will draw upon itself the benefits described here.