Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“You, God, Mind, and the Universe”
Knowing and living out the relationship between you, God, mind, and the universe is the very key to maximizing the potential in and out of your life. Every possibility of what can be done in and with your life lies in an awareness of the relationship and synthesis between you, God, mind, and the universe. In actuality, the synthesis already exists. It is a matter of having a conscious mind level of awareness that it exists, and placing yourself as a total unit of body, mind, and soul under the influence of the synthesis. Being aware of and living the synthesis is enlightenment at its zenith of practical application for life improvement.
Enlightenment is actually its own reward when one becomes aware of the profound cosmic mysteries of life as they relate to human life. Enlightenment can also produce tangible practical results in human life, greatly affecting health, relationships, career, income, and material needs, as well as other major concerns. It can have the greatest influence on having a positive self-image and self-esteem. If you can have an awareness of the relationship between you, God, mind, and the universe, and comprehend that there exists a cosmic oneness between all, then your comprehension of who and what you really are is magnified to cosmic proportions.
You see yourself in your own mind and consciousness in the same way that wise men, wise women, sages, seers, and mystics down through the ages saw themselves. An awareness of cosmic synthesis forms your foundation for selfhood. Infinity and eternity, as both concepts and realities, become familiar friends. Unfortunately, the majority of humankind today has little, if any, awareness or even remote intellectual or theological concept that a synthesis exists between oneself, God, mind, and the universe. For this reason, people have low self-esteem because they see their existence as small and trivial. Only the most basic forms of truth are grasped as some dogmatic form of religiosity.
Only when a person or soul has arrived at a place of cosmic awareness can the mind grasp or even begin to appreciate the magnitude of the Psalmist’s words, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made,” which directly allude to the synthesis of which we are speaking.
Meditation takes you beyond the boundaries of intellectual appreciation of the synthesis into the very center of inward comprehension. Meditation is the great revealer of profound truth. What seems to make sense intellectually is known through direct experience to be truth. Whether in one dramatic, all-encompassing meditation, or over a series of meditations, the truth that there is a relationship between you, God, your mind, and the universe is revealed. Through either direct mystical union with God, or through a series of less profound spiritual experiences in higher states of meditative consciousness, the truth of oneness and synthesis is revealed.
In the inner equation, you are regarded as the true self or real self—an individualized expression of God, as the God of the universe. Mind is all consciousness, and what is regarded as personal and universal is one.
The universe is thought of as the physical manifestation of universal mind, cosmic consciousness, or the consciousness of God. Like the physical human expression, which has its spiritual counterparts, so too, the physical universe, as a field of infinite consciousness, has its spiritual counterparts. Such spiritual counterparts are other dimensions of manifestation. When meditating over a period of time, some of these dimensions are revealed to the conscious human level of the mind, underscoring and highlighting the vastness to which each and every soul or person is a part, whether they are consciously aware of it or not.
Meditation opens your mind unto itself to find and discover that the mind is part of an endless consciousness of universal mind, or God’s thought activity on an infinite, eternal, and universal scale. Imagine that your mind is a circle within a circle, starting with your outermost conscious circle and ending in the innermost circle, or the presence of God at the center of your mind. Mind, then, may be thought of in two ways. In one way, mind may be thought of as universal mind, or God’s mind filling the entire universe, both physical and nonphysical. In the other way, mind may be thought of as a portion of universal mind existing at the center of consciousness within a human being. It is this center of the mind that one endeavors to reach through meditation when attempting to experience God’s presence.
The aim of meditation is to start at the conscious or outermost level of the mind and penetrate level within level until the center, or God level, is reached. There, within you—within your consciousness—is the very will, drive, and power that God used to create the entire universe. Every time you meditate and come into closer contact with the God level of your mind, the more of God’s will, drive, and power surfaces to your conscious level. There, it provides you with the motivation and spiritual inspiration you need to improve your life in some way and make that a physical reality.
In the Bible are the words, “With God all things are possible.” With the conscious awareness of the oneness between you, God, mind, and the universe, those words become a working reality.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ “The Theocentric Way of Life,” Volume 5: Module 56.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev