Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“Your Spiritual Life—Life’s First Priority”
Your spiritual life is the most important part of your life! The outcome of everything else in your life, and your life as a whole, is more dependent on your spiritual life than on anything else. The reason for this is that the spiritual side of your life controls everything else in it. To the degree that you are in touch with the innermost spiritual side of your nature is to a corresponding degree how your life is turning out.
At the very core of who and what you are is your spiritual reality. It is that place where your soul merges and becomes one with the Universal Mind and Spirit that created it, surrounded it with a physical form—a body—through which to express itself, and gave you consciousness. This conscious human level of your mind is in contact—to a lesser or greater degree—with God’s Universal Mind. The good in you comes from God, as God first creates your good in Universal Mind.
In this universal level of divine consciousness, the psychic building blocks of what your life is, and is yet to be, are constructed and set into motion. It is in this realm of Universal Mind that whatever good can be materialized physically in your life is created. This is why Christ advised, “Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all else will be added unto you,” and he pointed out that “The kingdom of heaven is within you.”
Therefore, you should make the spiritual part of your life the number one priority in your life—your main priority—because the good that you can experience as a whole person is dependent on it. This is especially true when it comes to maintaining or restoring good health to your body. The consciousness that fills you each day is filling every cell of your body. If that consciousness is on a high spiritual level, the energy factors within the cells will be affected to either maintain good health or to cause the cells to heal and restore health. The consciousness that is affecting all the cells of your body is a result of how much time you are spending on your spiritual life.
If you are raising your consciousness daily by meditating, praying affirmatively, and using other consciousness-raising methods, then your consciousness is having a health-maintaining and healing effect on the millions of cells of your body. This also impacts the total or whole energy field that comprises your physical body on the physical level. Therefore, your spiritual life affects the health of your body more than any other factor. If you want to maximize your opportunity for maintaining good health or restoring it, make your spiritual life the most important priority in your life.
As it is with your health, your spiritual life is also the most important factor in having love in your life. What a human experiences in individualized form as love is actually the unity that holds the universe together as a whole—one with itself. The need to love and to share love originates in the spiritual side of your nature. It is from God’s Presence within you.
By meditating daily, you make contact with the primal energy of God’s universal love, which permeates both your physical and mental being. When someone comes close to you physically, that person senses and is attracted to your love energy, which, in truth, is God’s love energy being channeled through you. Even at a distance, people can be telepathically attracted to you as you project God’s love
God’s love energy also enters all levels of your mind, inspiring you to speak to others in ways that invoke God’s love in them, and then direct it back to you. When the spiritual side of your life is the most important part of your life, love is a part of your life’s experience.
As for having what you need in the way of income and material things, that, too, depends on the importance you place on your spiritual life. For the good in your life, what you have materially and as income you have drawn from the Mind of God who created it first at the God level of your mind, or Universal Mind. It only exists because it first existed in the Mind of God. Your spiritual life, and how much you devote to it, can be that which invokes the good that has already been created for you in the Mind of God. That is why it is so important to meditate, pray, and place your spiritual life as the number one priority in your life. It is the key to invoking income and material needs into your life while maintaining the sanctity of your soul.
Your spiritual life even affects how creative you are. Remember that God is the ultimate creator in the universe. Your spiritual life governs how close you are to God’s creative Presence. Every time you meditate, you draw inwardly closer to the creative Presence of God. As you make contact with God’s Presence, you make contact with God’s creativity. Perhaps for just a few seconds, your conscious level of mind becomes one with God’s creative thought process.
In these divine moments, your human mind level is exposed to the creative genius of God, which gives you creative genius or creative ideas and insights. From such creativity in your human consciousness, you become a more creative person, whether in the arts or in your work.
Finally, recognize that having the inner strength necessary to face life’s changes, obstacles, and problems, also depends on how important you make your spiritual life. No matter what, life will always present problems that will test your ability to deal with them. Rather than you dealing with them—that is, the personal ego part of you—the God part of you can do so much better in providing you with divine strength and will to go on, until all you may be facing at any time in your life is no more. But again, the strength of God you experience depends on how much you make the spiritual side of your life your number one priority.
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ “The Theocentric Way of Life,” Volume 4: Module 38.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev