Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.
“Your True Self Can”
Whatever hurdle you may be facing in your life at this time or at any time in the future—whether it regards health, love, income, family, or career—your true self can overcome it. Life, after all, is an ongoing series of challenges or hurdles. It does not matter how evolved, awakened, or enlightened you are; life still presents many obstacles and problems!
The awakened soul is no more immune to life’s difficulties than the unawakened soul. In fact, in many cases, the awakened souls have more to contend with, simply because they attempt to do so much more in their lives. On the other hand, the unawakened souls, who are content merely to sit and do as little as possible, attempt to slide through life doing only that which is either expected of them or forced upon them. For those souls who do attempt to do more and be more—not just in a worldly sense, but also regarding being a whole and complete person—their real need is to find a greater source of identity or selfhood within themselves.
Through the ages, mystics, sages, and seers have come to know their true selves. It has lifted their lives from frustration and lack of hope to optimism and success in dealing with life’s major concerns. If you have not already found your true self, persevere, for the finding of it can make an astounding and life-altering difference in what you can accomplish.
Whenever a person feels unable to deal with something in life, it is a false identity that is speaking within the mind. This false identity is a composite or reflection of an unawakened and neurotic society. It reflects the acceptance of limitation or the avoidance of striving for excellence in one’s life. Such a false sense of identity associates you with the impotency of mass consciousness that does not excel.
On the other hand, your true self can do whatever needs to be done in your life, for your true self is an individualized manifestation of the eternal, infinite, all-knowing, all-creative, all-loving presence of God at the center of your mind. Simply said, your true self is an individualized manifestation of God! What a revelation and discovery that is—one that can make a big difference in what you can accomplish in your life! The true self is that point of consciousness in your mind where your individual soul and God’s Spirit and Mind merge. For an authentic Christian mystic, that place in the mind would be known as Christ Consciousness.
A daily practice of meditation provides you with inner access to Christ Consciousness, where your soul merges with God-Consciousness. As a result of that merger, the more surface, human levels of your mind are opened and exposed to the many attributes of God’s Mind and Spirit, which provide you with what is necessary to do what needs to be done. If this merger were to be totally experienced in meditation, it would be what mystics describe as mystical union with God. During such an experience, all sense of personal selfhood disappears, and all that exists is one infinite field of light in its entirety. The Christ Consciousness of your true self can provide you with whatever makes it possible for you to say, “My true self can.”
Always keep in mind that your true self knows you can, while your false personal ego self is constantly casting doubt or just simply saying that you can’t. You should do anything and everything you can to rid yourself of this limited sense of self. Every time a part of your mind says, “I can’t,” recognize that it is the false part of you speaking, and immediately replace it with your true God-selfhood by releasing the false self into the inner healing light of God’s Presence.
Oneness with God’s Mind and Spirit provides you with access to numerous divine attributes of God. The false, limited self sees itself as possessing little power, while to have God’s power flow through you in what you are trying to accomplish can make all the difference in your succeeding. Say to yourself daily, “The power of God within me is greater than any power before me.”
Remember that just one creative idea—even in life’s darkest moment—can turn your life around and make things better or right. That creative idea exists within you, right here, right now, in the higher Christ Consciousness of your true self, which is open and receptive to God’s creativity.
Also within your true self is the great healer of the universe. Whatever health condition you may have that needs healing, it is your true self—open at the Christ level of consciousness—through which God’s healing energies can flow into and through your body.
When you live the life of your true self, it is, in truth, God that is the doer. It is as if your body, mind, and soul channel God’s attributes into your daily life. It is God who is truly accomplishing what needs to be done in your life. When you open yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually to the Christ Consciousness level of your true self, God can operate in your life. And you come to fully realize the significance of the Biblical words, “With God, all things are possible.”
Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ “The Theocentric Way of Life,” Volume 5: Module 61.
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Intro and ending music © “Night Radiance” by Maxim Kornyshev